Public Safety Coverage Solutions 

Public Safety Radio: International Fire Code (IFC 510) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 72) & (1221) compliance.

First responders need to communicate no matter where emergency strikes – from the concrete and steel high-rises of the cities to the hills and valleys of rural areas. In the years since 9-11, a slew of new regulations have been enacted in local municipalities and states to make sure fire and police personnel have reliable communications to do their jobs. RL2 LLC is one of the nation’s most experienced providers of custom solutions for complete, seamless coverage for your public safety radio system. RL2 LLC should be your first call for design. We can design your networks and provide an Acceptance Package for review and approval to the local public safety Tower Network Provider weather it's for the local Public safety for a particular County, Verizon Public Safety Services   or AT&T FirstNet    AT&T Pubic Safety  or Local BTS providers.  

What’s the law?

Both NFPA 72 and IFC 510 have outlined requirements that buildings need to meet with regards to public safety radio coverage. These codes require all buildings to meet a minimum signal strength for public safety radio services throughout, allowing communication between emergency responders and their respective bases. Any building not meeting the minimum signal strength requirement for the respective codes must be equipped with a system that will allow compliance. NFPA 72 and IFC 510 are model codes designed to safeguard the public, and it is important to check with your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to see what code is being enforced in your municipality. For more information, review the NFPA 72 and IFC 510 fire codes.

We design and verify your network needs 

 PUBLIC SAFETY and Cellular Data collection:

  • We provide Data collection for Indoor site Walk and Grid Test of coverage for pre & post network deployment.
  • We measure the channel power and data quality for all radio and cellular voice and data technologies
  • We Analyze the signal of the frequencies and the Network in question to confirm your coverage 
  • We design the needed system to meet compliance with local PS ordnance.  


We have our FCC General Radio Operator's License (GROL)