LTE Cellular Enterprise Coverage Solutions 

Verizon / AT&T / Mobile / Sprint 

  Cel-Fi QUATRA 4000  

Cel-Fi QUATRA 4000 is an Active DAS Hybrid that solves the problem of poor cellular coverage in middleprise buildings. Cel-Fi QUATRA 4000 delivers a cellular signal that is up to a 1000 times stronger, utilizing CAT 5e cabling for RF and Power over Ethernet. Cel-Fi QUATRA 4000 can be installed in just days, and at a price point that meets the middleprise budget. Cel-FI QUATRA 4000 is carrier grade, carrier approved and guaranteed network safe.

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Click on the YouTube button below for a very clear Video on network types and equipment  from our Partner at Anixter 

Anixter Wireless Solutions